
Applicable for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Neuroscience Website

Advisors; Professors DRISCOLL (director), ERDAL, HORNER; Associate Professors DAUGHERTY, DOUNAY, 哈顿, KILLIAN; Assistant Professors COURSE, FERNANDEZ-PETERS

Neuroscience at Colorado College is an interdisciplinary investigation into the structure 和 functioning of the nervous system. 学生 who major in Neuroscience gain familiarity with experimental approaches in neuroscience from molecular to behavioral, 和 they learn to critically read, write about, 和 discuss primary literature in neuroanatomy, neuropsychology, neuropharmacology, 和 neurophysiology.

Major Requirements

Major Requirements

学生 wishing to major in neuroscience complete a minimum of 14 courses (15 units) across several departments. 看到 Neuroscience section of the course catalog for a summary of regular course offerings.

1. Required courses 


  • PY100 (or 101 or 105 or 111): Introduction to Psychology
  • PY205: Introduction to Methods 和 Statistics AND PY305: Topics in Advanced Methods 和 Statistics
  • PY299: Neuroscience (2 blocks)


  • CH107 和 CH108: General Chemistry I, II
  • CH250: Structures of Organic Molecules


  • MA125: Pre-Calculus & Calculus or MA126: Calculus I


  • MB131: Introduction to Molecular 和 Cellular Biology

和 两个 of the following 400-level courses

  • PY408: Topical Seminar (Neuroscience topics only)
  • PY412: Neuropsychology
  • PY419: Neuroscience Methods
  • PY420: Cognitive Neuroethology
  • PY433: Neuropharmacology
  • MB415: Developmental Neurobiology (previously MB440)
2. Electives:  Any three of the following courses (note that some of these courses have additional prerequisites not listed above, 和 some are not taught every year):


  • CH241 Analytical/Bioanalytical Chemistry
  • CH251: Reactions of Organic Molecules
  • CH382: Biochemistry I
  • CH383: Biochemistry II
  • CH410: Medicinal Chemistry
  • CH480: Advanced Metabolic Pathways


  • CP115: Computational Thinking
  • CP122: Computer Science I
  • CP222: Computer Science II


  • HK204: Introduction to Human Anatomy
  • HK321: Human Physiology
  • HK354: Advanced Head 和 Neck Anatomy


  • MA256 - Mathematical Models in Biology


  • MB201: Laboratory in Molecular 和 Cellular Biology 和 Genetics
  • MB231: Genetics
  • Any 300-level MB course


  • PC141: Physics for the Life Sciences I
  • PC142: Physics for the Life Sciences II
  • PC241: Physics for the Physical Sciences I: Mechanics
  • PC242: Physics for the Physical Sciences II: Electricity 和 Magnetism 


  • Any 300-level or 400-level PY course

学生 must give an oral or poster presentation at the Psychology/Neuroscience Poster Day, CSURF, or other departmental or professional conference of re搜索 they have conducted or an internship in which they have participated during their time at CC. The re搜索 or internship experience can be a re搜索 course from one of the following:

  • PY251/451
  • MB209/397/399/498
  • CH201/301/303/304/401/403/404
  • HK350
It can also be a structured on-campus or off-campus re搜索 or internship experience during the summer or school year. The re搜索 or internship experience must be approved by, 和 the presentation scheduled with, the Director of Neuroscience at least one semester prior to the presentation.


Report an issue - Last updated: 07/11/2023