经济学 & 商业家


We engage exceptional students who think critically, 分析性和创造性, with intellectual competence 和 confidence, by leveraging the advantages of the Block Plan 和 drawing on the art 和 science of the discipline, 国内外, 为了现在和一生.



经济学提供的四个专业 & 营业部有:

If you wish to declare over the summer, please email 苏菲制动器, 学术行政助理. Please underst和 that over the summer the process will be slower. However, Sophie can meet with you over Zoom. 

开会前, please get acquainted with the requirements for the major you are declaring 和 prefill the 主要声明表格 as much as possible (do not click submit before meeting with the paraprof or the admin. 助理). During the meeting, the department's staff will go over the form with you 和 assign you an advisor.

We look forward to welcoming you into the department!


你可以请任何教员做你的指导老师, 和 you can change advisors as well - it happens that you realize another faculty member may be a better fit. Believe us when we say it's fine to request a change. 老师们会支持你的决定!

To officially change your advisor, complete the 更改顾问表格 与注册办公室联系. To complete this form, you must obtain signatures from both your previously selected advisor 你新选的导师. 

If you haven't declared your major, now is the time to do it! We are unable to approve classes toward your major if you are undeclared. Please follow the steps below to ensure you are in the best position to study abroad.

  1. 查看我们的 留学项目清单 提供公认的经济学 & 商业课程. 这并不是一个详尽的清单, but rather a starting point if you are interested in building your study abroad experience around economics 和 business. 
  2. Set up a time to talk with your academic advisor in the 经济学 & 业务部门, to define how study abroad can fit in to your overall degree progress 和 plan, 什么时候是离开的最佳时机, 和 what sorts of classes you would like to try 和 fulfill while on your semester or year away program.
  3. 参观 学分转换概述 page on the 全球教育 site to underst和 in-depth information on how to find programs abroad or away from CC that will work for your academic plan, 以及课程如何转回CC. 
  4. 获得任何经济学的完整教学大纲 & 商业课程 you plan to submit through Summit to request departmental/Chair approval to count towards your major, 作为教学大纲 要求. Prepare rationale for why you want to take those specific courses at this location
  5. Complete the appropriate study abroad application in 峰会以前被(推荐)过 公布的截止日期

经济学 & 业务 Department won’t approve courses taken off-campus towards the major or minor if you are not declared yet, 所以声明是第一步. Please make sure to also see the “Study Abroad” section of the 经济系网页

We accept some relevant coursework from accredited institutions of higher education in lieu of courses completed at CC within the major done during a Study Abroad or Study Away experience. 学生 are 要求 to ask for course approval before they enroll, so that we may devote faculty time to verifying 和 documenting each case. 学生 may request pre-approval on Summit for planned coursework on a Study Abroad or Study Away program to count towards ECON/ME/BESoc/IPE requirements using the Course Approval Form on the 要求 application for Off-Campus Study.

For courses to count as 300-level EC electives, they must generally have Macroeconomic Theory (EC302) 和/or Microeconomic Theory (EC301) as prerequisites. 课程 with Principles of 经济学 (EC100) as the only prerequisites are almost always approved as 200-level 经济学 electives. The Department does not give credit for online learning experiences or internships, 我们不给EC301学分, 和 EC302 taken elsewhere during a Study Abroad or Study Away experience. We limit the total number of economics 和 business courses taken during a Study Abroad or Study Away experience which count toward the major to four.

For a list of approved programs of potential interest to 经济学 & 商科学生,请参阅 建议指引页面.

访问 Christina Rader, Department Chair, during her office hours in Palmer 101-B. 办公时间因街区而异:

  • 教学时段:每天下午2:00-3:00
  • Non-Teaching Blocks: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 2:00-3:00 PM
  • 供参考, see the Christina's teaching schedule by navigating to the current academic year under the "Teaching Schedule" tab at the top of this page.
If these office hours do not work, make an appointment with Christina at this link: www.小.cc / RaderMeeting
  • 申请500美元奖金的机会.00 Skilling Award is offered on a rolling basis throughout the academic year. 参观 Skilling Award page for full details
  • 重要的! 学生 presented with a Skilling Award will present re搜索 projects during the Senior Re搜索 Symposium in the spring semester prior to leaving campus 和/or graduating.

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 06/10/2024

经济系 & 业务

(719) 389-6407
邮寄地址:14e. Cache la Poudre St.