Registration & Course Enrollment Expectation 政策

Responsible office
Responsible party
Last revision
September 2017
教师 Executive Committee
Approval date
Effective date
Additional references


All financial and administrative policies involving community members across campus, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. 如果在部门期望和大学政策中描述的共同方法之间存在差异, the college will look to the campus community, including volunteers to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college’s Board of Trustees are governed by their Bylaws.


Term Check-In

尽管大多数学生在秋季和春季学期开始之前已经选择了他们的课程, all students (new, 继续, 转学和重新录取)必须在每个学期开始时正式登记-第1和第5块.  This process validates the student’s arrival on campus, intent to participate in courses for the semester and to fulfill all financial obligations. Failure to do so may result in courses being dropped. 学生有责任通知注册办公室,如果他们不参加这个学期.


Preregistration is a formal process for registering for courses in advance. 赌博正规的十大网站的预注册是独一无二的,因为它的计分制度(每学期40分), 密封投标系统)将根据学生的分数投标决定谁被录取,谁被放在课程的等待名单上. Colorado College’s academic year is broken up into 8 blocks; blocks 1 – 4 take place in the Fall and blocks 5 – 8 take place in the Spring. 学生 are required to register in a course for each block per semester. The majority of block courses take place over a one-block period (1-unit), 然而, there are also block course offerings that take place over a two-block period (2-units). 学生可以选择这两门课程的任意组合,每学期至少选修4个单元. To submit their Preregistration for processing, 每个学生被分配一个预注册密码(一个6个字母的组合代码)为每个预注册学期. All students must meet with their Advisors to receive their passcode for the term; passcodes will not be accessible at the 注册商’s Office.


In the spring (block 7), students will participate in Fall Preregistration to plan out their next full academic year. 学生可以将40分分配给他们的第1 - 4模块课程,40分分配给他们保存的第5 - 8模块课程选择. 秋季预注册将正式处理下一个秋季学期的课程注册和分数,并根据学生的分数竞标将学生注册为课程或将其列入等待名单. 学生的春季选择和积分将被保存为草稿,在秋季春季预注册期间重新审查和处理.


所有的学生,包括返校学生和新生,都将参加春季预注册. If a student has already created a saved draft of their spring course selections and points, they will be able to either revise or formally submit for processing. Like Fall Preregistration, students will be allowed 40-points to distribute between their blocks 5 – 8 choices. 春季预注册将正式处理春季学期的课程注册和积分,并根据学生的积分报价为学生注册课程或将其列入等待名单.


Separate from Fall and Spring Preregistration, new first-year students participate in First-Year Student Preregistration in block 2. 新的一年级学生必须参加第一和第二街区的第一年经验课程. 一年级学生预注册是一年级新生注册第3和第4模块并选择春季课程以草稿形式保存以在春季预注册期间返回的正式程序. In First-Year Student Preregistration, students are allowed 20-points to distribute between their choices for blocks 3 & 4分,将根据学生的分数被纳入课程或列入候补名单. 学生 will also have 40-points to distribute for their saved spring course selections. *Note for Transfer 学生: New transfer students are not required to take an FYE, First Year Experience course. Transfer students admitted in the Fall or Winter send their course registrations to the 注册商’s Office before classes begin and can choose from the complete course listings; typically courses that have availability. 转学生在CC第一学期开设的课程不需要积分,因为返校学生的预注册已经完成.

Extended Format and Adjunct Courses

Extended format and Adjunct courses are partial-credit (0.25 or 0.5)学生在一个学期内修读的课程,同时修读全学分的长课程.  

In extended-format courses, 学生每学期最多可选修一门扩展形式课程(半单元),全年最多可选修一门扩展形式课程(一单元),除非院长办公室允许超负荷学习.

In each adjunct course, 学生每学期可获得四分之一学分,以达到学位要求. 学生每学期不得选修超过三门辅修课程,除非注册办公室允许学生选修过多课程. 在任何情况下,学生不得将超过两个学分的附加学分计入通识教育学位要求.

Course Changes

在征得老师同意的情况下,学生可以在一个课程的前两天添加正在进行的课程. They may drop a course through 5 p.m. Tuesday of the second week. The half-block may be dropped by Thursday at 5 p.m. 学生 should be aware, 然而, that adding a course after the first two days of the block will be difficult or impossible, 因此,如果课程在头两天之后被取消,那么这个学分就会失去. 学生可以在未经教师同意的情况下,在课程开始之前的任何时间增加或放弃未来的课程. 该程序的例外情况必须得到院长办公室和受影响教授的授权. 学生 may not drop a course if involved in an Honor Council investigation.

块计划的主要目标之一是提供一个框架,在这个框架内,学生可以将所有正式的学术努力投入到一门课程中. Thus, it is not possible to register for more than one principal course during a block. However, students may also enroll in a maximum of three adjunct courses and a maximum of .5 unit of extended-format courses per semester. 学生 may also take a maximum of .5 units during the January half-block. Unapproved overloads result in a loss of credit.

Waiting Lists

A student is permitted to be on one waiting list for each block. When an opening is available in a course, the student first on the waiting list is automatically added when a space becomes available. Notification will be sent to the student’s Colorado College e-mail address. 如果学生在同一街区注册了另一门课程,则该课程将自动退学. 在开课第一天被教授从候补名单中允许入课的学生,必须经导师同意,通过drop/add申请正式加入课程. 未能正式添加课程的学生将失去参加及格/不及格课程的选择,并且必须参加一个字母等级的课程.





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