Indoor Volleyball

花名册由于: Friday, September 13, 5:00 pm
游戏开始: Tuesday, September 24, Reid Arena, El Pomar Sports Center

The email address that the captain submits on the official roster form will be used to send information regarding schedules, 规则, 政策, and procedures at least 48 hours before the start of the sport season.


All volleyball games are played in the Reid Arena in the El Pomar Sports Center. League play is organized in accordance with a round robin format scheduling each team to play in an equal number of competitions. Final season rankings will be determined by 1) winning percentage, 2) head to head play, and/or 3) point differential. The top teams will advance to a double elimination tournament to determine the overall league champion. All members of the winning team will receive IM Champion t-shirts.

General organizational 规则 include the following: Standard 6 vs 6 format is utilized for all indoor volleyball games. Matches are "best of three games". Games are rallied scored to 25 points, with the 3rd game played to 15 points. No cap scoring -- the team must win by two points.

2023-24 Champions


蓝色的超大 (成员: Zoey Roueche, Addi Schwieterman, 艾弗里凯里, Brian Whiteley, Camila Espinosa, 艾玛·洛根, Jonny Gamble, 卢卡斯布什, Luke Letscher, 马克·瑞斯, Olivia Xerras, 里约热内卢古斯曼, Sangay Mingyur, Stuart Sessions, and Nate Vincent) 

Past Champions

2022-2023: Volleybeaches (成员: Kelsey Pivnick, Niko Cvitanic, Evie Angevine, Natalia Maahs, 格斯博登, 格雷厄姆输出信号, Stuart Sessions, 安迪泰普林, Caili Raymond, 齐亚娜Marcx, Kai Fogelquist, 希望Angotti, and Langley Murray)

2021-2022: Ball Fondlers
(成员: Devon Ortman, Marcus Behenna, 哈特汉考克, Evan Barrie-Kivel, 杰克Storfer, Jackson Priddy, and Maya Kobayashi. Not pictured, Eli Jaynes, Zoe Voettiner, Kendall Havill, and Claire Prentice)

2019-2020: 新兴城市小.
(成员: Clay Pierce, Malone DeYoung, Daniel Walsh, Bailey Burrows, 查理•福克斯, 可可Turvold, Jamyoung Dorji, 露西McMath, Parker Chatham, and 汤米·鲁茨)

2018-19: 新兴城市小.
(成员: Clay Pierce, Malone DeYoung, Daniel Walsh, Bailey Burrows, 查理•福克斯, Charlie Schneider, Abigail Williams, and CoCo Daniels)

2017-2018: D4运动员
(成员: Nick Zuschneid, 尼娜华立, Susannah Phillips, Seneca Griffin, 安娜·格雷斯比, Sawyer Finley, 莎拉·巴克, Shin奥尔森, and Brian Rubin)

2016-2017: 新兴城市 (成员: Grace Cooke, Ariel Filion, Emily Sussman, Eli Thornburg, Daniel Walsh, 汤米·鲁茨, Malone DeYoung, 阳光明媚的赵, 露西McMath, Charlie Schneider and Addie Knight)

2015-2016: Triscuits (成员: Casey Shaw, 杰克班, Anthony Weber, 布莱恩•陈, Danielle Davis, Karina Guerrero, Ian Adams and Amus Adams)

2014-2015: 高峰的峰值 (成员: Hershal Cook, Austin Howlett, Ahya布兰科, 蒂娜沃利, Duncan MacDougall, Lauren Juskelis, 萨米基恩, Jonathan Weignmeme, 艾玛·福尔摩斯, Aris Atkinson, 列弗马库斯, 埃里克•约翰逊, Caleb Cofsky and Ann Hakim)

2013-2014: 垃圾节目

2012-2013: Thrift Shoppers

2011-2012: Smashmortions (成员: Elizabeth Votruba, Emily Fukunaga, Malia Vitousek, Flynn McGuire, 马特·舒尔, Jackson Ordway, Melissa Schott, 托马斯Reyda, 凯尔Ruckman, Ryan Patterson, 帕特里克, 布罗迪, Kelsey morell, Bryce Daniels, Ariana Glantz, Idy Iglehart)

2010-2011: 弯曲$ E (成员: Jedediah Doane, Will Allenback, Chris Mayo-Smith, 将Durrett, 山姆门头沟, 皮特•艾略特, Rebecca Smith, Chelsea Penfield, Chris Edmonds)

2009-2010: 同伴的影响

2008-2009: 同伴的影响

2007-2008: 同伴的影响

2006-2007: Volleybrawlers

2005-2006: Hungry Chicken

2004-2005: Team Universe

2003-2004: 头 & 小孩

2002-2003: 吮吸它!

2001-2002: Shut Up Louie!

2000-2001: 2 West and 3 Guys

1999-2000: A League- 那还用说, Co-Ed League- 吮吸它 One More Time

1998-1999: A League- 来宠坏; Co-Ed League- 吮吸它

1997-1998: A League- 没有名字; Co-Ed League- Los Mariachis

1996-1997: A League- 在地带; Co-Ed League- Purple People Eaters

1995-1996: A League- 爱沙尼亚人; Co-Ed League- 橙色

Report an issue - Last updated: 05/29/2024


Director of 娱乐 & Fitness Center

Campus Rec Athletic Trainer

Assistant Director - Fitness Center