

"I consider myself so lucky to be surrounded by so many talented musicians and teachers. 当我开始我的职业生涯, I will remember this summer as formative and extremely special."

安东尼•DiMauro 小号

"Thanks to your contribution this will be a summer I will never forget. The skills that I have attained and the comradery between my teachers and colleagues will stay with me for the rest of my life."

布伦丹Betyn, 定音鼓/打击乐

 "My time at the festival has been truly life-changing, and the skills I have gained have propelled my career. 深切关怀的教师, 支持人员, 学生, 观众, and the beautiful scenery make this festival one-of-a-kind, 我很荣幸能参与其中."

莫莉墨菲, 巴松管

"My two summers [at the CC 夏季音乐节] have been so inspiring, and my experiences here have truly helped me grow as a musician. I will always remember this festival as a transformative point in my career."

维克多王 长笛

"This festival is only 3 weeks long, but I feel like I've learned enough for it to feel like 6 weeks. This is an incredible opportunity and I already feel like it is having a big impact on my career. The professional friends and connections I have made so far will be in my life and career for years to come."


"The professional-level experience and unbelievable faculty push me to new heights of music-making and inspire me to put everything I can into my art."

布莱斯Leafman, 打击乐器

"It's hard to put into words how much it has meant for me to be able to be a part of this amazing community and world of music, 我得感谢你. 作为一个来自加拿大的中提琴手, 感觉如此受欢迎, 支持, 被爱是一种特别的感觉, especially when I have learned so much on top of it all. I am going to cherish my time here for the rest of my life and take away so many jewels of wisdom and joy. "

杰西卡·Pickersgill 中提琴

室内乐, 和管弦乐队一起排练, 还有教训, everything is starting to make me understand how to achieve a high artistic level and how to make my dreams come true! Colorado and the College are very inspiring and stimulating places, and I feel very privileged to come here and to be part of this festival."

威廉·福伊 小提琴

"As a student coming from a small college with no full orchestra, 和这么有才华的一群人一起打球, under the direction of someone as experienced as 斯科特•柳 是一次改变人生的经历吗. "

芦苇塔克 低音提琴

"These past two years attending the festival have taught me more than any other musical experience I've ever had. Scott challenges me to achieve a level of playing that I never could have imagined before coming here."

玛丽·格蕾丝·约翰逊, 小提琴


斯科特柳"I feel very privileged to have been working with the 科罗拉多大学 夏季音乐节 since 2002. It has become one of the premier training programs for young orchestral musicians. Every year that I return I am stunned by the quality of the orchestra, 学生们的热情, 以及教职员工的活力. The Cornerstone Performing Arts Center is a magnificent building and the concert hall itself is a joy to perform in. I have recommended the acoustic enhancement system to other performing arts centers after the great results that I have experienced at CPAC."

斯科特•柳 节日管弦乐队指挥

马克更少"The 科罗拉多大学 夏季音乐节 is one of the best experiences out there [in the west]. Susan Grace has created a unique event that serves the community, 学生, and artists alike. Each year ends with the delight of having been a part of it, and the desire to return again!"

马克更少, 小提琴,教师艺术家

约翰·诺瓦"The 科罗拉多大学 夏季音乐节 is the great highlight of my musical year. 苏珊·格雷斯举办了一个非凡的节日. The faculty are hand-picked, not only for the high-quality of their playing, but for their 和蔼可亲的. They are a seamless fit, whether making great music together or coaching young artists. And these young artists are provided an inspiring work environment second to none. Time and again, 学生 tell me that their festival experience has been 'transformative.' Superb chamber and orchestral concerts (led by the tireless 斯科特柳), 改变人生的学习经历. The indispensable CCSMF is, in short, magic."

约翰•诺瓦 钢琴,教师艺术家

生物型曾"I wish I had known about the 科罗拉多大学 夏季音乐节 when I was still a student! Despite the fact that the 学生 have an intensive three-week schedule of orchestral, 室内乐和独奏, 有一种放松的, collegial relationship between the faculty and 学生 that I have not seen elsewhere. It makes for an enormously rewarding and memorable experience for all every June."

生物型曾, 大提琴,学院艺术家

菲利普应 “我去过那么多地方, the CC festival is outstanding for the depth of experience for the 学生, the thoughtful and comprehensive musical activities offered to them, 当然, 伟大的教员. I have such a wonderful time working with the 学生 and collaborating (and hanging out) with terrific colleagues."

菲利普, 中提琴,教师艺术家

Robert Walters"In the many years I have been fortunate enough to play and teach at the 科罗拉多大学 夏季音乐节, my 学生 there have gone on to win solo oboe positions with the Atlanta Symphony, 巴尔的摩交响乐团, 和休斯顿交响乐团. I firmly believe this to be one of the most educationally potent summer music programs in the country. This festival developed early on as something of a hidden gem within the profession; over time it has steadily and recognizably become a national treasure."

Robert Walters, 双簧管,英国号,学院艺术家


报告问题 - 最后更新: 11/06/2023