Palmer Hall

Tour Stop: #8
Current and Historic Name: Palmer Hall
Address: 116 E. San Rafael Street
Year Completed: 1904
Architectural Style: Romanesque Revival
Architect: Andrews, Jacques, and Rantoul, Boston
Designation: National Register
Access Level: Palmer Hall is an academic building. 公众被邀请进入,但我们要求正在进行的课程和活动不要受到干扰.

The completion of Palmer Hall in 1904 marked the crowning achievement of President William F. 斯洛克姆在1888年至1917年的建筑任期内,为校园提供了最受欢迎的地标之一. The nationally prominent Boston architectural firm of Andrews, Jacques, 兰图尔设计了这座罗马式复兴风格的建筑,利用了皮特金县煎锅河上采石场的美丽桃红色砂岩. The college utilized the highly-prized stone for several of its early buildings, of which only Palmer Hall remains today. College historian Robert D. 洛维认为,帕尔默大厅的建设“是赌博正规的十大网站历史上的一个重大标志性事件”. . . . 其庞大的规模表明,学院的建设者计划让他们的机构在未来的许多年里存在.成千上万的学生穿过中央入口的拱门,受到头顶上雕刻的铭文的启发:“你们将知道真理,真理将使你们自由。."


斯洛克姆校长在1897年的一次董事会会议上首次指出,“迫切需要”建造一座科学大楼. From its beginning, the college's Rocky Mountain location stimulated demand for coursework related to mining, construction, and the natural sciences. 到19世纪90年代末,学生人数达到近250人,科学实验室和教室的空间越来越难找到. 为科学和行政办公室建造新大楼的筹款活动吸引了科罗拉多斯普林斯创始人威廉·杰克逊·帕尔默的大笔捐款, Chicago philanthropist D.K. Pearsons, and local mining magnate Winfield Scott Stratton. 学院受托人计划在北卡斯卡德大道和圣拉斐尔街的东南角的科伯恩图书馆和珀金斯大厅(两者都已不复存在)以北建立新的建筑.

Several years of fundraising ensued to gather the necessary pledges of more than $200,000 for the building. Before the college could amass sufficient funds to proceed with construction, 斯特拉顿拥有的当地街道铁路公司向大学受托人请愿,要求将其轨道沿着Tejon街延伸到校园中心. The college refused, 斯特拉顿的公司谴责这片土地的努力被科罗拉多斯普林斯市议会拒绝,因为斯洛克姆总统指出,帕尔默最初的校园用地契约规定,这片土地只能用于教育目的. The street railway was forced to take a less direct route northward from downtown. The construction fund then received an anonymous donation of $100,000, given with the proviso that the new science building be placed further eastward, across the extended alignment of Tejon Street. Thus, 帕尔默大厅的选址阻止了未来通过校园开放Tejon街的努力. It is generally believed Palmer and his friend, philanthropist George F. Peabody, provided the large gift. Although Stratton had been a generous benefactor to the college, 有传言说,在这件事发生后,这位百万富翁从遗嘱中删除了留给该机构的一大笔遗产.

This Building
in History:

Palmer Hall has been home to the mathematics department since its dedication in 1904. It was President Slocum's vision that brought the science building from conception in 1897, when the college had about 250 students and seven buildings, to completion in 1903. Although it did house the sciences, there were also rooms designated for Latin, Greek, Philosophy, French, German, and English.



Construction of the science building began in late 1901, the cornerstone was laid on 2 March 1902, and the building opened in 1904.斯洛克姆总统决定,用于建造哈格曼大厅和珀金斯美术大楼的桃红色砂岩将用于新建筑. However, while Slocum was on a leave of absence in June 1902, Acting President Edward S. 帕森斯发现没有足够数量的石头,于是下令用Greenlee砂岩代替建筑. When Slocum returned, he reversed Parsons' decision and secured the peachblow product. The Greenlee stone did not go to waste; McGregor Hall was erected with that stone in 1903.

1904年2月23日,来自50多所大专院校的代表参加了新楼的落成典礼, Governor James Peabody, General Palmer, and the entire student body, faculty, and staff. Designated "Palmer Hall," the building's name honored William Jackson Palmer, founder of Colorado Springs, Civil War veteran, president of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, and longtime friend of the college. Further evidence of Palmer's importance to the institution is found inside the building, 里面陈列着休伯特·冯·赫科默的一幅将军的大型油画肖像和伊芙琳·比阿特丽斯·朗曼1928年的浮雕牌匾. Longman's work depicts the seated Palmer with one of his dogs. Students traditionally rub the dog's nose for luck before exams.

Completed at a cost of nearly $285,000, Palmer Hall was six times more expensive than any preceding structure. The largest building on campus at the time it opened, Palmer extends 287' east-to-west and 95' north-to-south, with two stories, a raised basement, and a subbasement. The fireproof construction includes a steel frame, red brick interior walls, and concrete floors covered with terrazzo.

帕尔默最初设有教室、科学实验室、教师和行政办公室. The chemistry, biology, physics, and geology departments moved into the building. Edward J. Hoff, a former instructor at the University of Innsbruck,designed and constructed much of the equipment for the laboratories. 尖端的演讲室以灯笼幻灯片投影仪和演示桌为特色,演示桌从相邻的准备室移动到铁栏杆上. 一个被称为“坑”的大型演示大厅和演讲厅为160名学生在“哥伦比亚大学”风格的椅子上倾斜了座位.

在19世纪后期,为学生提供展览或学习的科学标本收藏被认为是高等教育的重要组成部分, and Colorado College had established its own museum in its first building. 帕尔默的自然历史收藏设施拥有一个125英尺X 60英尺的房间,高高的天花板上悬挂着一具56英尺长的鲸鱼骨架. The museum, illuminated by large arched windows, housed zoology specimens, including two large collections of rare birds, mineral and fossil samples, and, later, examples of Southwestern pottery collected by William W. Postlethwaite. W.S. Stratton purchased a $33,在有轨电车引发争议之前,加州博物馆为该学院收藏了1万件自然史藏品. General Palmer gave 8,000 paleontological specimens, and A.E. Carlton donated his choice gold samples from Cripple Creek. T.D.A. Cockerell, a zoologist with experience at the British Museum, took charge of the museum. By 1905, more than 16,000 items were on display. On a few occasions beginning in the 1920s, 学生们自娱自乐,并将这些毛绒玩具从博物馆移走,放在校园各处,抗议校方的决定.

The science departments remained in Palmer until the completion of Olin Hall in 1962. Since then, Palmer Hall has housed social science departments primarily. In May 1970, the building was the site of a "teach-in" on the Vietnam War following the U.S. 入侵柬埔寨和肯特州立大学五名学生被国民警卫队枪杀. In 1977, 帕尔默进行了大规模的改造,创造了更小的教室,更符合街区规划的课程. The remodeling preserved the historic character while reducing the laboratory atmosphere. At about the same time, 学院决定关闭博物馆,并将藏品分散到全国各地的其他机构. The Denver Museum of Natural History received the whale skeleton. The museum space became the Gates Common Room, a place for faculty and administrators to interact and a venue for lectures, receptions, and catered meals. In 1986, 帕尔默大厅的历史和建筑意义得到认可,并被列入国家史迹名录. 帕尔默大厅在2004年进行了重大的内部装修,以纪念其百年纪念.

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