
Pursuing an IDM is a significant commitment, which is reflected in the application process. The average time between initial IDM meeting and submitted application is 3 blocks. Successful applications undergo several drafts after receiving feedback from the IDM Director, 教师顾问, 及课程执行委员会. 因为申请过程很紧张, it is recommended that students begin the IDM process in their first year or the Fall semester of their second year at CC.

The final deadline for students on a traditional plan of study to submit an application is four semesters after beginning their studies at CC (e.g.(秋季开学第二年第7单元). T转校生在这个时间上有一定的灵活性. Please contact the IDM Director for questions about your specific situation.

This page describes steps in the application process and the criteria for evaluation of IDM applications. 有关如何构建成功的IDM提案的更多信息, 请参阅“如何制作成功的提案”页面.


The IDM application consists of four parts: (a) an appliction cover sheet; (b) a rationale for the major; (c) a plan of study with a justification supporting each course; (d) letters of affiliation from two 教师顾问. 说明这些部分的每一个主要的ID可以 在此浏览及下载. 请出示未成年人身份证 使用这个表格.

All four parts of the application (including faculty letters) are due to the IDM Director no later than 5pm on the dates listed in the following section

日期 & 最后期限

课程 Executive Committee reviews IDM applications two times per year. 申请覆核日期为:

  • Block 4的第一个星期一(截至MST中午12点)
  • Block 7的第一个星期一(截至MST中午12点)


虽然这个过程对每个学生来说都是独一无二的, 典型的应用程序通过以下步骤进行:


学生 usually begin by scheduling a meeting with the IDM Director to explore whether or not an IDM is right for them.


下一个, students typically develop a rough draft of their IDM rational and course grid, 以及确定潜在的指导老师. This typically happens via a second face-to-face meeting with the IDM Director, 但也可以通过电子邮件处理.


The third phase of the process is to identify two 教师顾问 and complete a more comprehensive draft of the IDM application consultation with them and the OAP Director.


When the IDM application packet is complete it is submitted via email to the IDM Director, who will send it forward to the IDM subcommittee of the Curriculum Executive Committee (CEC) for review. The CEC subcommittee will evaluate the application based on the criteria below to determine whether the plan is accepted (with or without minor revisions), 必须重新提交修改, 否则会被拒绝. The OAP Director will communicate the committee's decision to all applicants.

  • 学生 whose proposal is accepted with minor revisions must make all necessary changes within one block of receiving a notification from the CEC subcommittee.
  • 学生 who are asked to revise and resubmit their proposal must do so before the next available review deadline set by the CEC subcommittee. 学生只能修改一次提案.
  • 学生 whose proposal is rejected will not be allowed to move forward in the process.


  • 学生 who are accepted into the program will immediately begin coursework toward the major and meet regularly with both 教师顾问 and the IDM Director to ensure successful progress toward their degree.


In order for an IDM application to be approved by the CEC, the following criteria must be met:

  1. 学生必须对专业有一个清晰的愿景. 尽管所有申请者都是大一或大二的学生, 期望他们写得清楚是合理的, 提供他们预期学习领域的描述, 阐明他们想要探究的问题, 并将他们的项目置于更广泛的知识范围内, 社会, 历史背景. 
  2. 学生必须证明他们的专业(通常是, 通过论文)将整合CC的两个或多个学科. 
  3. 学习计划必须在深度和广度之间取得平衡, 在低年级和高年级的课程之间. 特别是, the plan of study must show meaningful engagement with the two cognate disciplines in the major.
  4. The proposal must demonstrate that student’s coursework will prepare them 在建议的领域进行研究或创造性的项目. The 教师顾问' areas of expertise must show a clear connection to the proposed major. 
  5. 学生 must demonstrate that their intellectual goals cannot be accomplished within a traditional plan of study (i.e.(CC现有专业和辅修专业的结合). 
  6. 教师 letters of support must demonstrate a commitment to supporting the student throughout the major (including serving as a thesis advisor), and that the faculty have been involved in helping the student craft the proposal.
  7. Proposed majors must follow the major requirements for the IDM and must not be extrapolated from current or former IDM projects.


IDM应用程序的核心是基本原理, and the best way to assure your acceptance into the IDM is to craft a strong rationale. 从根本上, a rationale should be rooted in the criteria by which it is evaluated (purpose, 必要性, 利息). 像这样, your rationale should include clearly articulated statements of purpose, 必要性, 和兴趣. 就像你在CC提交的任何其他作品一样, your rationale should include proper in-text citation with an accompanying bibliography.



申请被拒的学生可提出上诉. 学生 should initiate the appeal process within 14 calendar days of receiving the committee's decision by email. 上诉程序如下:

  1. 启动上诉程序, the student should email the IDM Director requesting a second review of the IDM application. 在这一上诉请求中, the student also has the option of submitting a 1-2 page attached response to the CEC subcommittee's decision in this request. The response should address why they believe CEC subcommittee's evaluation was incorrect based on the criteria for evaluation of IDM applications.
  2. IDM主任将提交该请求, 学生对这个决定的反应, 以及学生向CEC主席提交的IDM申请原件.
  3. The Chair will then have the materials evaluated by the full body of the CEC at the next available meeting. The CEC will either override the initial decision (and accept the student's application) or re-assert the original decision.
报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/13/2024