

  • 房屋选择是分层的.
  • 即将升学的高年级学生将于12月初下午2点至5点选择高年级空间
  • 不断上升的二年级的学生 & 即将升学的三年级学生将在2月底开始选择住房.
    • 住房协议 & roommate matching will open in late February for all eligible students in the StarRez portal http://coloradocollege.starrezhousing.com/StarRezPortalX


  • Once you sign your housing agreement, you are in the process for housing selection.
  • 春假后,彩票号码将发给学生


  • CC不需要住房保证金来保障住房.


  • If you took a leave of absence for the Spring Semester and intend to return for the upcoming Fall semester, 请联系 housing@practicaldrilling.com 欲知更多资料.


  • 住宅需求 是科罗拉多大学生活的重要组成部分吗. As a result, all students must live on campus for the first three years of their enrollment at CC.



I am eligible to participate in housing selection, how will I know my lottery number?

  • Lottery numbers/selection times will be emailed to eligible students via their CC email address prior to housing selection dates.


  • 彩票号码由学业成绩和学年决定 
  • 以确保我们有足够的空间给学生 要求住校,老年人的空间将有限. Those seniors that were given a lottery number but were unable to select a space will be placed on the wait list.

I am interested in apartments, cottages, or theme housing, will I receive a lottery number?

  • Cottages are for seniors only and placement for those spaces will happen during the December process
  • 公寓选择将在3月底/ 4月初进行.
  • 学生 interested in 的me communities will need to apply for theme communities via starrez.  主题社区安置将在四月初进行.

我现在是大三的学生,明年想住在校园里? 我有什么选择?

  • 老年人住房极其有限. 我们为高年级学生提供75个校内名额
  • 老年人住房选择在第4街区进行. Seniors will be eligible to live in Senior Spaces (Cottages and apartments on N. 韦伯). 
  • 的re may be additional spaces that become available after all current sophomore student assignments have been made.

I received a time slot but did not receive a housing assignment for 24-25, what next? 
All students who signed their housing agreement but did not receive an assignment are automatically added to the senior housing waitlist. We will make housing assignments for seniors as spaces become available throughout the spring 2024 semester and summer 2024.  

由于长者空间有限, we wanted to make sure that anyone who could not get a space on campus had adequate time to re搜索 other options. 请参阅“校外生活”页面了解更多信息.

现在,为老年人提供的空间仅供老年人使用. We are constantly assessing our spaces and taking student feedback into account. Once all students who are 要求住校 have been assigned spaces, 我们也许可以做一些交换或者调整分配. 

For any rising senior who receives a housing assignment but then chooses to live off campus, 我们要求你方尽快以书面通知我方. 任何开放空间都将被分配给其他老年人. 


如果有人离开你的室友群, 剩下的室友仍然可以在各自的时间段选择一个房间, 或者你可以创建另一个室友组. 

What if one of my housemates decides to live off campus after we’ve signed up for housing? 
一个有多间卧室的小屋, first we will ask remaining residents to identify someone to move into the space. 如果学生组无法确定替代者, the housing office will assign another student in need of housing to that space. 

对于老年空间,不需要膳食计划. 对于公寓空间,需要公寓膳食计划. 我们将在春季学期跟进学生的膳食计划选择. Seniors may select either the apartment meal plan or the full meal plan if you are interested in a meal plan. 

For current first and second year students, we will conduct housing selection throughout Block 7. 有关该过程的更多信息将在第5部分分享. 


I am interested in living off campus but will not be a senior next year, what do I need to do?

  • 有没有学生 需要住在校园里吗,但想住在校外必须完成 校外申请表格. 学生将在三个工作日内收到对其请求的回复.
  • 后续问题请联系 housing@practicaldrilling.com. 请在主题行描述,以便我们为您提供最好的服务. (e.g. “Off campus appeal” in the subject line for those wanting to appeal to live off campus)


  • CC has a strong relationship with the surrounding community and has great partnerships to help support our students.
  • 学生 have access to all of the same resources residential students have on campus.
  • 请参阅 “校外生活” 页面.


  • Returning students can select a multitude of housing types including: apartment style living, special interest housing (including language houses); small houses, 传统宿舍楼, 还有平房
  • 赌博正规的十大网站所有住房类型的信息 可以在这里找到 .


  • 只有长者才有资格入住长者宿舍.

我想住在一个主题社区或特殊兴趣住房? 我有什么选择?

  • CC has several different special interest housing options for our returning students. 其中包括语言学院, 伦诺克斯的房子, 昂科雷, 户外教育, 桥的学者, 弗莱明的骄傲社区, 和麦格雷戈艺术社区.
  • 特殊利益住房将有一个单独的利益表. Spaces allotted for these communities will not be available during traditional room selection.


  • 的re are a limited number of single rooms available in our small houses and traditional style halls available. 

I need a housing accommodation and am registered with Student 可访问性 Resources, what do I do?

I have a request for a religious/spiritual related housing accommodation, who should I contact?


  • 学生可以通过StarRez找到室友
  • 学生 may also request a roommate and will be placed together if you meet the housing deadlines and request each other. 新生须知, part of the excitement of the college experience is meeting new people and our housing application asks questions that help us match students together.


  • Smaller groups/individual students are allowed to select a bed space in larger apartments. If you do not fill all bed spaces with your group, we will open those spaces to other students.

I am interested in an eight-person apartment but only have three other people I want to live with, 我还能这么做吗?

  • We allow groups of four or eight to do initial selection in eight-person apartments. 任何未填满的空位将由个别学生填补.


  • 我们建议创建一个将填充整个所需空间的组. However, if that does not happen, we will place an individual student into any open bed spaces.


  • 是的,一个人可以为整个旅行团选择一套公寓

If my roommate is only studying abroad for TWO blocks, do we need an alternate?

  • No, our office bills for housing per semester and occupying the room for half the semester would qualify that roommate to maintain their space and us likely not moving anyone else in unless you request it.

Is the information online about being able to apply to multiple apartments still accurate?

  • 在申请中,你将表明你的公寓类型偏好, 理论上你可以申请多个职位. 我们希望能够兼顾第一和第二偏好.
  • 住房协议:这是你一学年的住房合同. 这份文件包含了你的合同条款和对这一年的期望.
  • 即将升学的大四学生:现在是大三学生
  • 即将升学的大三学生:现在是大二
  • 升学二年级:现在是一年级
  • Small House: Chiles, Fleming, Bemis, McGregor, Ticknor, Montgomery, Jackson, Lennox
  • 平房/长者平房:供长者居住的没有家具的房屋
  • "三巨头"马赛厄斯,南斯,卢米斯
  • 公寓:西岭和东校区公寓


  • 存储空间非常有限,学生无法使用. 联系任何地区的仓储公司.

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/19/2024