


小彼得·里滕豪斯·“瑞特”·凯洛格., graduated from 科罗拉多大学 in 1990 with a degree in philosophy. 他喜欢荒野,无论是在海上还是在山上. 无论是在布加布滑雪, 德纳里岛指南, 在罗克兰教拓展训练, 缅因州和佛罗里达州, 或者计划一次环球航行, Ritt的生活充满了远见和动力. 他重视对荒野地区的保存和保护, 他努力成为所有人的积极朋友.

6月18日, 1992, while climbing what would have been the second ascent of the Pink Panther route on Mount Foraker in Alaska, Ritt凯洛格, 汤姆沃特, 和科尔比·库姆斯意外遭遇雪崩.

在两天的时间里, 该团队已经完成了路线上的大部分主要挑战, 我们朝东南山脊爬去. They were moving fast, aiming to finish the mixed face in worsening weather. 雪崩把队伍从几百英尺的山上抛下, 当他们的绳子绊在岩石上时,他们停在哪里. Ritt和Tom不幸在这次事件中丧生. 尽管伤势严重, 科尔比幸存下来, 和 spent six days self-rescuing through extreme terrain to emergency support at the Denali basecamp. 一年后, 科尔比 founded the Ritt凯洛格纪念基金 at 科罗拉多大学 with the support of Ritt's family 和 friends.

直到今天, friends praise Ritt for being a caring 和 grateful person who found humor 和 adventure in life. 他是一位哲学家, 加尔文和霍布斯的狂热爱好者, 船工和水手, 滑雪冠军, 拓展训练教练, 山地自行车, 攀登者和说话温和的喜剧演员. 他十几岁时就以割草赚钱而闻名, 让骑在他自行车后座上的受伤同伴搭车, 和, 有时, 品尝单一麦芽苏格兰威士忌. Ritt的遗产继续在拓展训练, 伯克希尔学校, 和 through the Ritt凯洛格纪念基金 (RKMF) at 科罗拉多大学.


1993年2月底, Ritt's friends 和 family gathered at the 科罗拉多大学 Cabin in the foothills near Florissant, 科罗拉多来庆祝他的一生. 在这次会议上, 科尔比 led a conversation regarding a memorial fund in Ritt's name that would chiefly give expedition money to CC students, 还要在瑞特的新生宿舍附近建一张纪念桌, 麦格雷戈大厅, 以及为塔特图书馆购买书籍和地图. With help from Ritt's brother 和 parents, the group imagined ways to celebrate his memory.

CC小屋聚会后, 轮子继续转动,以建立基础, largely by way of long-distance phone calls between 科尔比 和 Ritt's father, 彼得, 他给赌博正规的十大网站捐了一大笔钱. The intention was for a committee made up of Ritt's friends 和 family to allocate the money with the help of Margaret Hillman at CC. Their mission: to help 科罗拉多大学 students promote imagination, 挑战, 和 personal growth in their own responsible 和 conscientious pursuit of wilderness expeditions 和 education.


1月20日, 1995, 科尔比, Mike Alkaitis 和 Dave Pritham held the first official steward meeting since the gathering at the CC Cabin to discuss funds 和 criteria. 要符合资格, they decided the trips must be made up of current CC students spending at least 14 days in the backcountry, 并有一个可靠的风险管理计划. 那年夏天,四支探险队去了阿拉斯加和加拿大.

从那时起, 科尔比 Coombs continued to move the dream forward with help from Dorothy Phillips at the CC Leisure Program (now known as Student Activities). 在RKMF项目经理到位之前的几天, 多萝西为考生提供咨询, 支付资金, ensured 赠款接受者 delivered a slide show or Catalyst newspaper article, 存档的应用程序, 假期后的报告, 和照片.

在早年的岁月里, 科尔比和图坦卡蒙的图书管理员一起工作, 约翰·谢里登和拉娜·斯莱顿, 购买图书馆图书和地图. 1998年科尔比和Bill Hochman, 暑期班院长, sent CC students on a Wilderness First Responder (WFR) course 和 an overnight survival skills workshop. The push for giving students the opportunity to advance their first aid skills led to WFRs eventually being hosted at CC.

The group of stewards now called the RKMF Committee began to meet annually at CC starting in 1999, working directly with the Student Activities department 和 the Development department to support student expeditions.


2000年,科尔比为RKMF创建了一个项目经理. This position served as a bridge between students 和 the committee, offering grant-writing workshops to help prepare students to write detailed 和 thorough proposals. Mary Bevington performed this role until 2005, when Maura Hanning took the reins until 2012. It was then that the program manager role became housed by CC through the 户外教育 Department under Ryan Hammes' supervision. 克里斯·迪克森, 恩典Brofman, 安德鲁Allison-Godfrey, 凯特·麦克林和凯西·贝尔相互接替了皇家骑士团的职位 & 户外教育协调员角色.

In 2001 the RKMF began to be more proactive about student education by way of two Alaskan guides, 贾里德·维豪尔和已故的约翰尼·索德斯特罗姆. 科尔比招募了这些人来教授冰川技能, 自救, 锚的建筑, 诸如此类, 主要在山区. Beirstadt区域.

肯·西姆斯, 早期委员会主席, brought in his passion for giving back to the great outdoors by bringing in the Rocky Mountain Field Institute as an annual service RKMF grant recipient. The late Mark Hess facilitated several spring break service trips to Indian Creek, CC的学生可以重建小径, 移植的植物, 和 learn about l和 stewardship in partnership with a 科罗拉多大学 students' service group called Break Out.


申请流程, 委员会章程, 和 collaboration with the College has streamlined 和 strengthened over the course of the last several decades. 委员会领导, through founding members such as 科尔比 Coombs 和 past Chairs (肯·西姆斯, Bosier帕森斯, 梅利莎柯迪, Kishen Mangat, 约翰尼·汤姆森, 埃琳娜Mihaly, Libby Bushell 和 Tim Barker) have furthered the RKMF 和 led to the success of the grants given-560 to date. 许多委员会成员, 赠款接受者, 和 members of the Kellogg family attended a 25-year celebration of the Fund held at 科罗拉多大学 on October 6 和 7, 2017. We are thrilled to celebrate the 30th year of the fund in March, 2023.

The Fund continues to evolve 和 exp和 as the needs 和 desires of 科罗拉多大学 students shift. 2016年,基金支持其首次自行车打包旅行, 2018年,这是第一次站立式桨板之旅. In 2018, the Fund created a new funding threshold for Expedition trips, the "Spirit of Ritt." This funding category grants more money for expeditions proposing to be out for at least 22 days 和 which embody Ritt's creative energy 和 spirit. In 2018 the Growth Grant was created to provide financial support for students to engage in activities, 培训, 会议, 峰会, 和 other events to grow personally 和 professionally within the outdoor community. 加上通路拨款, the program continues to offer more accessible ways for students to exp和 their skillsets, 体验并为探险而努力.

30年来, RKMF资助学生探索偏远的河流, 滑雪之旅穿越冰川覆盖的山峰, 攀登高山尖塔, 和 put one steady foot in front of the other on some of the nation's most beautiful hiking trails. 对于参与者来说,这是改变他们一生的探险. 学生们感到敬畏, inspired 和 humbled by the wilderness 和 wildness of their expeditions 和 educational experiences funded through this program. These powerful emotions, lessons, 和 joy-filled adventures are how we honor Ritt凯洛格's memory.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 01/20/2023