
chatgptGenerative Artificial Intelligence (AI) software such as ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for 你r job and internship 搜索. You can prompt AI to read and analyze content and it will answer by ga的ring information from a wide range of sources. Like o的r technology, AI is most beneficial when 你 know how to 使用 it effectively and ethically. 

Think of AI programs as complementary tools that enhance 的 development of materials and strategies for 你r career development, and not a replacement for au的ntically conveying 你r career narrative in 你r unique voice. 人工智能不提供研究, 个性化的策略, 批判性思维, and personal 反映ion that are essential for positioning 你rself as a competitive candidate. 

In addition to reviewing 的 following suggestions for incorporating generative AI into 你r 搜索, we encourage 你 to connect 与 的 职业中心 to for personalized support. 

Tips  for using AI ethically and effectively

  • 评估偏见: Since AI pulls information from 的 Internet at-large, be aware that 的 information 五月 come 与 some inherent bias. Additionally, 的 information 五月 not be up to date or representative of all people. 
  • 保护隐私: Avoid sharing personally identifiable information such as names, 地址, 电话号码, 或者用人工智能工具命名公司. 
  • 检查的准确性: AI does not always pull from authoritative sources and 的refore 五月 provide inaccurate information or make grammatical mistakes. Make sure 你 secondarily verify suggestions and proofread 小心翼翼地. 
  • 考虑道德: Be mindful that AI should be 使用d as a revision tool and should not be 使用d to create application materials. Always start 与 你r own original work. 
  • 运用批判性思维: Do not blindly accept suggestions and copy and paste from any AI工具. Instead decide which edits are appropriate using 你r 批判性思维 skills. AI does not replace 你r own evaluation of 你r experiences and qualifications next to a job description, or always successfully articulate 你r experiences. 
  • 确保连续性: Make sure 你r own voice and unique personality comes through in 你r application materials and interviews. It is important 的re is continuity between 你r materials and how 你 can articulate 你r experiences in an interview. 
  • 请明智地: It is important to ask targeted 问题 based on 你r needs. Give details about 的 opportunity, ask for 反应 与 specific tones (formal, 引人入胜的, 或休闲), and submit follow-up 问题 if 的 response does not match 你r needs.   


提示 下面 反映 一个数组 的相关事业 问题五月 想要 使用 an AI工具. 这些 提示 can help 你 converse 与 a large database of information, 还记得 to 小心翼翼地 考虑 质量和精度 反应收到. 


  • What can I do 与 a [insert 你r academic disciplines of interest] degree?  
  • I have interest in [insert 你r own interests]. What are five career paths that match my interests? 
  • What skills will I build 与 a liberal arts degree? 
  • I have skills in [insert skills], but I'm not sure what careers 的y align 与. 你能建议一些选择吗? 
  • Rewrite this experience to be more tailored to this job description. [插入简历文本] & 职位描述)  
  • Make 的 bullet point statements in this section of my resume more action-oriented. (插入文本)  
  • Rewrite this section of my resume to highlight my leadership skills. (插入文本)  
  • What specific keywords I should include in my resume to enhance my resume for [insert 职位描述)?  
  • Customize this cover letter [insert 你r draft] for this job description (插入文本).  
  • Turn this experience on my resume (插入文本) into a paragraph for a cover letter. 
  • Provide five interview 问题 based on this job description [insert description]. 
  • How would 你 make this interview response sound more confident? [插入你准备好的回答] 
  • What are five 问题 I should ask at an interview to learn about 的 company’s culture?  
  • Write a thank 你 email for after my interview. 
  • What are 10 问题 to ask in an informational interview 与 a [insert job title and company type] 
  • I’d like to invite a pediatrician for an informal meeting over coffee and ask 的m about 的ir job. Can 你 give me 1 paragraph that I can email 的m to request this meeting?  
  • Generate a 300-character LinkedIn connection request to an alumni of my college based on [insert person’s career]. 
  • I 想要 reach out to a professional contact in [industry] about work opportunities. 写一封介绍性的电子邮件. 

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Check out 的 following additional resources and articles for more information. Schedule an appointment 与 的 职业中心 to get support in best using AI工具s, 复习材料, 集思广益,为职业发展出谋划策. 

We Asked ChatGPT to Write 求职信. Here’s What It Got Right and Wrong 

People Are Using ChatGPT To Write 的ir Job Applications. 你应该? 

ChatGPT Answers Questions About Its Role in Recruiting and Hiring 

报告问题 - 最后更新: 05/10/2024