
DACA-page-Graduation.jpeg求职, 实习, 和 post-grad opportunities for undocumented students can be a strenuous process if you are not sure where to look. With the underst和ing that the process can be overwhelming at times, we wanted to ensure that students in this position have a starting point in their 搜索.

Here you will also find pages 和 organizations that provide legal resources, 金融资源, 和 even stories about undocumented people who have experiences in different fields. The information provided is not exhaustive, so please use this as a starting point in your 搜索. 你还会发现 额外的资源 在巴特勒中心的网站上提供. If you have any further questions, please visit the 职业中心 to speak with a Consultant. If there are any resources you think would be useful to add to our page, please 电子邮件我们 让我们知道.

Please contact organizations directly to confirm their eligibility requirements. 此外,这 移民崛起指南 提供了 some initial information regarding 实习.

是没有证件的学生 有资格获得暑期就业机会?

Undocumented students have limitations seeking some summer employment oppportunities if they do not have a work permit, but there are still programs that work with students who are not approved or are still waiting for approval. 以下是其中的一些程序:


  1. If you are looking for summer re搜索 opportunities 和 development programs in STEM fields, 看一看 这个众包列表
  2. Pomona College compiled some resources specifically for pre-health 实习 open to undocumented students
  3. Cientifico拉丁裔 is a an organization dedicated to increasing the pool of underrepresented scientists

Other Resources Regarding Internships 和 Fellowships

  1. 无文献本科生全国网络 supports undocumented students in college to connect with others, 找到实习, 和 receive guidance in pursuing different opportunities
  2. 别忘了赌博正规的十大网站 公益奖学金计划 提供了 opportunities for CC students that offer great support systems 和 networks



  1. Pre-Health梦想家 support undocumented pre-health students through peer support 和 professional development. If you are 搜索ing for resources for information in related career paths or interested in their advocacy efforts for increased access to health careers 和 health care for the undocumented community, 这是开始的地方
  2. 入学 Policies of Medical Schools Open to Undocumented Applicants


  1. 梦想律师协会 脸谱网群组
  2. 法学院招生委员会 (LSAC) offers fee waivers for the LSAT if you cannot pay the fee. Please note that you are only eligible for this waiver if you have DACA or have applied for DACA. 报名参加 LSAC的候选人推荐服务 to receive emails directly from law schools offering fee waivers.
  3. 有色人种协会. empowers people of color to enter law school 和 become attorneys. Some of their programs are open to undocumented students 和 many of their resources are helpful in applying to law school regardless of status
  4. The Mexican American Legal Defense And Educational Fund offers some resources 和 financial support open to undocumented students


  1. UndocuPhDs is a collective of undocumented students interested in academia 和 undocumented students who are currently on their journey in a doctoral program. They use the term "UndocuPhDs" to define their work as re搜索ers, 社区领袖, 和 advocates for the undocumented community
  2. 我的无证生活: On 应用 to 研究生院 While Undocumented: A Half-Essay, Half-Advice List
  3. 我的无证生活 has helpful resources to apply to 研究生院 和 stories from undocumented students
  4. 如何上大学 is a podcast featuring resources 和 support for first generation students 和 their families


  1. Social media has served to share a lot of opportunities among the undocumented community. 请查看 梦想的工作 脸谱网
  2. University of Pennsylvania 提供了 many resources to support undocumented students including a list of Employers Interested in Hiring Undocumented 学生

社区 & 法律资源


  1. 马赛克在UCCS编译 当地社区组织 that provide local, social, 和 legal assistance. They also include a lot of great information 和 为无证学生提供的资源
  2. Look for organizations in 科罗拉多州 listed in the 国家 显示gration Legal Services 目录 which only includes nonprofit organizations that provide free or low-cost immigration legal services


  1. 了解移民的 了解你的权利 is a holistic guide for anyone seeking more information about your rights outside 和 inside your home, 你在工作场所的权利, 如何为你的家人做好准备, 还有更多
  2. 显示 created an accessible, online tool for people to see their possibilities for a path to legal status. This free tool directs people to legal information 和 refers them to nonprofit legal services


Information on scholarships, fellowships, 和 other funding sources:

  1. 梦想家的路线图 is a free national mobile app that helps find scholarships for undocumented students
  2. Scholarships Open to Undocumented 学生 List (我的无证生活)
  3. 移民崛起的名单 本科生奖学金研究生奖学金 不需要美国国籍证明.S. 公民身份或合法永久居留权
  4. TheDream is the nation's largest scholarship provideer for undocumented students 和 those with TPS
  5. 2019 Point Foundation Scholarship: Open to Undocumented LGBTQ 学生
  6. 戴维斯推杆奖学金 资助学生争取社会变革
  7. 保罗和黛西·索罗斯奖学金 for New Americans support 和 honors immigrants 和 refugees pursuing full-time graduate degrees
  8. 移民的上升 为自己工作的介绍: A guide for how to become an independent contractor
报告问题 - 最后更新: 11/27/2023